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All Cannings CofE


Class 3

In Class 3, we bridge the transition between Key Stages 1 and 2 in a nurturing, encouraging environment. We place great emphasis on developing pupils’ curiosity, independence and willingness to try new things with confidence and resilience.  To encourage creative and innovative deep learning, much of our curriculum is delivered via carefully selected topics in a cross-curricular, skills-based format using the children's own interests as starting points.  Some maths and English is taught more discreetly, but we constantly make links with other learning and the relevance and application of skills in real life. Children are encouraged to reflect carefully on their learning and to appreciate the importance of making mistakes in moving their learning forward. This year, our learning across the curriculum will be driven by topics such as History from the Stone Age to the Iron Age; Biomes Around the World and Ancient Egypt.         

We have high expectations of all pupils, with provision adapted to suit the needs of the individual child. We encourage children to support and encourage each other, seeing ourselves as a team and believing that we each have something special to offer.

We encourage members of our class to embrace the many opportunities on offer to take part in wider school life, such after-school clubs, sports competitions, intra MAT events and a residential trip which takes place every two years (for Year 3 and 4).

Class 3 2023-24


Class 3 Topic Web Term 5 and 6 2023-24

