Pamela Moscrop
Originally from South Africa, we moved with our three children to lovely Wiltshire three years ago and now live in the beautiful hamlet of Wedhampton.
When we started looking for a school for our eldest daughter, we came to All Cannings and knew at once this was the school for our family. The spirit, passion and dedication evident amongst staff and pupils alike inspired us with positivity.
Having a number of years' experience in the facilities management sector, leading large international teams, I hope to be able to contribute my knowledge of financial, risk, property and project management to the benefit of the school, staff and pupils.
As well as being a mum to three lovely girls, a wife to a wonderful husband and a local parish councilor, I have also been involved in a number of fundraising activities for charities close to my heart.
I was lucky enough to have had a wonderful education with the support of teachers, governors and mentors and by becoming a governor for All Cannings, it is my hope that I can now give something back to allow others the opportunity to shine.
Category | Chair of Governors |
Date of Appt. Term of Office Expiry Date |
05/10/21 4 years 04/10/25 |
Thomas Wilson
We moved our two children into All Cannings three years ago. Once we visited All Cannings there was no other choice - we loved the focus on the children and their well-being and knew ours would thrive. Our daughter has just graduated to Lavington School, and our son is now in year five.
I have spent my career working in local authority social care departments for adults and children. My focus is strategy, commissioning, change management and quality assurance. I am currently an Assistant Director with responsibilities for safeguarding, quality and commissioning for a council in Bracknell.
I was attracted to becoming a Governor, having been a trustee of a children’s charity for the past three years, because I have been so grateful that my children have experienced such a fantastic education. I hope to be able to use my skills and experience to help the school to continue to flourish.
Category |
Vice Chair |
Date of Appt. Term of Office Expiry Date |
15/07/24 4 years 14/07/28 |
Richard Borman
Category | Headteacher |
Term Of Office | Ex Officio |
Paul Fisher
I have been part of the All Cannings school community for a number of years now, with all three of my own children attending the school. When deciding on a school for our children, All Cannings stood out because of its focus on the children’s happiness and enjoyment of school life as a priority, and the warmth and engagement of the staff and wider community.
I work in IT and project delivery and have vast experience working across multiple sectors, including non-profit, large financial organisations and global IT service providers. I also volunteer as youth football coach for Devizes Town FC.
I am committed to supporting the school, giving something back and sharing my knowledge and experience to help the school to continue to develop and grow.
Category | Parent Governor, elected by parent body |
Date of Appt. Term of Office Expiry Date |
15/07/24 4 years 14/07/28 |
Angus Mathers
Category | Parent Governor, elected by parent body |
Date of Appt. Term of Office Expiry Date |
15/07/24 4 years 14/07/28 |
Debbie Harris
I have been a resident of All Cannings for 32 years and am delighted to join our wonderful school and contribute to the community. I retired recently, having been Head Teacher of one school, Deputy Head Teacher of two schools and a Maths teacher in four schools. I have an MA and a PGCE in Maths from Oxford University and I am also an ISI Inspector.
I hope that this experience will prove valuable in my role as a Governor but a working lifetime in schools has made me prepared for the unexpected!
Category | Local Governor |
Date of Appt. Term of Office Expiry Date |
21/09/21 4 years 20/09/25 |
Effie Oram
Category | Local Governor |
Date of Appt. Term of Office Expiry Date |
21/09/22 4 years 20/09/26 |
Liz Treslove
Growing up in Wiltshire, I was fortunate to enjoy my education as a child and hoped to find a school for our children that would offer a similar experience. After visiting All Cannings we knew this was the school that could offer our children the best all-round education - the warmth of the community supports social and emotional development as well as academic achievements.
Working for the National Health Service, I am a qualified accountant and enjoy working with operational teams to deliver the best possible care with a focus on driving value for money.
I am passionate about supporting positive changes to deliver the best outcomes for children. I am committed to supporting the team at All Cannings School with my skills and experience to ensure we continue to provide a safe and stimulating environment for all children to reach their full potential.
Category | Local Governor |
Date of Appt. Term of Office Expiry Date |
21/09/22 4 years 20/09/26 |
Elizabeth Sharpe
Category | Foundation Governor |
Date of Appt. Term of Office Expiry Date |
27/01/23 4 years 26/01/27 |
Carolyn Kelly
I joined All Cannings School in September 1993 and liked it so much that I’m still here 26 years later! During this time, I’ve taught all the year groups and have been subject leader for Literacy, PE, Science and Collective Worship. I am now Deputy Head and teach Year 2, 3 and 4 in Class 3.
I feel privileged to have been part of our school’s journey from four classes on a split site to our lovely new building with its improved facilities. However, it’s the people – both adults and children – and their relationships that make All Cannings School so special.
New national initiatives and the expansion of my own role and responsibilities provide me with continued professional development and the skills required to play a part in supporting and guiding our school towards a future which provides our pupils with the best education possible.
Category | Staff Governor, elected by staff |
Date of Appt. Term of Office Expiry Date |
12/07/22 4 years 11/07/26 |
Clerk to the Governors
The Clerk to Governors is Sarah Pearce who can be contacted on
The Governing Body currently has one vacancy for a Foundation Governor.
Chair of Governors, Pam Moscrop, can be contacted directly by email on, or by contacting the School Office. Written correspondence should be addressed to the Chair of Governors and addressed c/o the School Office. The school's address details can be found on the home page.