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All Cannings CofE


Personal, Social and Health education (PSHE)

 PSHE - Statement of Curriculum Intent

Be the change that you wish to see in the world”-Mahatma Gandhi

At All Cannings School, our learning makes a difference by enabling our children to become independent, confident, healthy and responsible members of society, whilst developing the “whole child” intellectually, morally, socially and spiritually. It is our belief that the studies within the PSHE curriculum will help our children to become, reflective, confident members of an ever changing society. Our children will be able to develop positive relationships whilst gaining an understanding of themselves and their rights and responsibilities of those around them. Having an understanding of themselves as unique people our children will be equipped to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. 

PSHE is taught weekly as a stand-alone session and then the core values are embedded through assemblies. Our school’s Christian values of Wisdom, Generosity, Koinonia, Compassion, Peace and Joy weave through the PSHE curriculum.  


Whilst PSHE as a whole is non-statutory, there are key elements that are now statutory. This includes Relationships Education (RE) and Health Education in the Primary sector.  Our school approach to PSHE is that the curriculum is split in to six units across the academic year, to ensure that all existing and mandatory elements are covered. This is achieved by order following a two year programme. The majority of the curriculum is delivered via SCARF an online scheme, in addition we supplement sessions with resources from the PSHE Association. Outside agencies such as the NSPCC also deliver sessions to the children across the whole school.  As part of our PSHE teaching we have for many years used film to focus on certain teaching points, the addition of this media has been proven to open deep discussion and embed teaching points. Throughout their time at All Cannings the children record their learning in a personal PSHE workbook (books are not marked), these books go home when full, they provide the children with a record of their personal development and learning. For some elements of the PSHE curriculum a drama activity or circle time session may be used rather than the written word, outcomes are monitored by the session lead. In order to assess understanding and development, end of unit assessments are carried out, pupil conferencing also provides evidence of understanding.


Our teaching of PSHE will lead to children meeting the standards of attainment set by the school and those that are expected nationally. Children will make progress relative to their own individual starting point. The implementation and impact of the PSHE curriculum is assessed in order to assure that children are provided with the best possible chance of succeeding. Providing children with a robust PSHE curriculum in the primary setting will enable them to continue to develop their knowledge and understanding in to their secondary education and their adult life. We aim that by the time a child reaches the end of year six they will:

  • Be able to recognise , understand and manage their own emotions
  • Make and maintain healthy and respectful relationships and family relationships, to also be able to  recognise unhealthy ones
  • How to keep safe online
  • Respect and understand difference of any kind- disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender
  • Develop an understanding of a healthy lifestyle- including mental/physical health   
  • Know where and how to seek information and advice when they need help

PSHE 2023-24

